"I want to go (to) ZOO Daddy!"
A request we very often hear coming from our child in the recent months. As doting parents, we definitely choose not to disappoint the young. Hence Master ANG planned for a zoo trip few weeks back after being "pestered" by his dear son. Hee Hee....
So yesterday, a group of us consisting Mr & Mrs How, Mr & Mrs Chua with their lovely son (a.k.a.) Kiet's little best friend Poh Ong plus our family of 3 went for a Zoo Outing.
We're so anticipating this time that we've brought along lots of food for the outing! We've got Bee Hoon, yummy Thai Duck curry, sandwiches, hot & cold drinks, salads, biscuits etc. (Yes, that's where it'll add those fats around the tummy)
All of us noticed on this outing that most of the animals are more 'lively'. They are seen roaming around and some even come about as "closer" to us as compared to the last few trips we've made.
Our little boy is so excited when he saw the horse carriage passing by. He even requested to touch the horse and take a picture!
We also passed by the Children's World and allowed him some play time at the open playground, while the adults took a resting break from the walk! hahahaha..............getting old & lack of exercise mainly.
Yes, all of us managed to watch the ending part of the little Elephant Show before settling down to eat lunch. After munchie, we continued to walk the entire park until it passes 1pm to decide that we should call it a day to allow the children to return for their afternoon naps.
Bottonline: all of us enjoyed the morning walk (very refreshing) and children had a fun time interacting with nature! Till next time, ZOO TRIP to be planned again!
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