On this 16 Nov 06 day, I officially turn 2.
So I'm now a Proud Little 2 year old toddler! Yipee yay! 
I presume that gives me the permission to:
1. Eat more cakes and puffs;
2. Drink more of my favorite Yakult (hoping to be lovingly sponsored by Cerebos company.....heh heh);
3. Display more mischefs & throw more tantrums;
4. Display Leadership to a team of 8 (excluding myself) toddlers in my daycare class;
5. To be granted more permissions.......Blah Blah Blah......lah..la..la..la...
hee hee......how nice it is to turn 2........heh heh......
So what did I do on My Special Day? Make a guess! ....Nah.nah.nah.....I didn't have a birthday bash after all as my Daddy Emperor & Mummy Empress felt that I'm still young for a birthday bash........after all my little friends are still as young as me; hence the much awaited party will be held next year. So Daddy & Mummy, make sure I have a birthday bash on my 3rd birthday
!!My Very Special Day is celebrated in Gong Gong's house, we were having family fun like;
and more Dancing to the beat of "Ali-San di Shao Nian" a.k.a (Taiwanese San Di Ge)
Stop & enough of dancing now! Let's get ready for my favourite cake cutting......My favourite moment of singing the 'Happy Birthday' song + Blowing off the candles.........hee hee...it's so much fun!
The Delicious Lana Chocolate Cake
Watch out for my drool!!
and what is a birthday without receiving presents...........just take a look at the amount of presents I've received, it goes to show that I'm a popular todd.......hahaha.....
Gifts from Uncle How & Family, Uncle Steven & Family, Uncle Philip & Family, Uncle Larry & Family, Aunty Jean, Granny Foong & Aunty Angelina
Toy Story Gifts from Granny & Grandpa, Peggy GU GU
Pendant from Linda GU GU a.k.a MONSTER GU GU
I am most thankful to the aunties and uncles who brought those lovely presents just for me. Thank you so much....!!!
Not forgetting the most important of all, my lovely Daddy.....for presenting me my most prized gift for the 2nd birthday.......Thank you Daddy....I appreciate and love you!
A pair of Chinese Seal to mark my 2nd Birthday & Hong Bao from Daddy....