Our Toddler, now at 35 months is such a fun child to be with.
Besides being much more expressive especially in his speech; has improved so much compared to 8 months ago, we found ourselves communicating better with him nowadays, playtime is so much more fun and interesting!
Being more mature at 35 months today, he has learned to lodge a 'complaint' regardless whether he is being bullied by his peers, reprimanded or canned by Mummy & Daddy for his wrong actions. At times, he would sit at a corner playing his own toys disturbing the adults. Of course at most occasion, this attention-seeking toddler is always looking out for his mum or dad's company.
Artistic side of his character started to show in the recent art pieces that he did in the daycare. The teacher and us noticed that he liked to do paint-brush dabbing instead of unorganized painting strokes. He enjoys art and craft lessons more than before as we understand he is engrossed and only moves off after completing his work. This shows that his attentive span has also increased over time.
According to his teacher, although he would not exactly sit still during story telling or lesson time, he would still be able to answer most of the questions when being asked. He adapts mobile learning method in this case.
In another exactly 30 days, you'll going to turn 3. As promised to you last year, we'll try to do a little birthday celebration for you in your daycare so you will enjoy your little 3rd birthday. At the same time, perhaps we'll get you some interactive toys to keep you very occupied at home!
hee hee hee......In Daddy & Mummy's eyes, you're still the very infant we received on 16 Nov 04.