Friday, after having struggled at work for the entire week while at home struggled to complete chores, be a mother as well as a wife, a friend.......just so many obligations.

Sitting in the office now waiting for the clock to strike 5.30pm is really wonderful as my mind flashes Saturday and Sunday (2 days) activities to look forward to.
I'll like to watch at least a movie at home over the weekend after putting dear son to sleep, read a worthy book while able to finish as much of housework as possible and yes, churn at least a good decent home-cook meal on Saturday.
Sunday would probably be a relax day as hubby is not working - Looking forward to a family outing though, provided the weather permits!

Sitting in the office now waiting for the clock to strike 5.30pm is really wonderful as my mind flashes Saturday and Sunday (2 days) activities to look forward to.
I'll like to watch at least a movie at home over the weekend after putting dear son to sleep, read a worthy book while able to finish as much of housework as possible and yes, churn at least a good decent home-cook meal on Saturday.
Sunday would probably be a relax day as hubby is not working - Looking forward to a family outing though, provided the weather permits!