Last year, DJ Daniel Ong and ex-Miss Singapore Universe 2001 Jamie Teo were hosting the Style Weddings Glamour Bash at the Raffles Ballroom for the whole day before they also emceed on their own wedding in the same evening.


Their big day was not so hyped up unlike the rest. Want more of them? Their wedding pictures can be viewed from http://danjaime.album.sg/index.php?
This year on May 10, Michelle Chia and Shuan Chen (谢韵仪 and 陈泓宇) held their fairy-tale wedding at Ritz Carlton Singapore, attended by some 1,000 people. Their Big Day is split into 2 days (customary ceremony on May 10 and a dinner on May 11).
This year on May 10, Michelle Chia and Shuan Chen (谢韵仪 and 陈泓宇) held their fairy-tale wedding at Ritz Carlton Singapore, attended by some 1,000 people. Their Big Day is split into 2 days (customary ceremony on May 10 and a dinner on May 11).
There was 8 groomsmen and 8 bridesmaid. It was reported Michelle Chia’s bridal gear was worth more than half a million Singapore dollars.
One can imagine how many gowns she needs in view of the 2-day event yeah? The earlier 2 pictures were gowns worn on her customary ceremony day. The following pictures were gowns worn on her dinner event the next day!
I liked the gown worn when she marched into the banquet. So elegant and sexy and romantic looking!
She got changed into a beautiful blue gown, the cuttings were cleverly shaped to feature her best assets huh? "Small" but nice enough in a gown.
This couple were also very thoughtful to have self made Michelle's family chilli recipe as their wedding favours to all the guest who attended their dinner. Some of their wedding pictures can be viewed from http://www.flickr.com/photos/7178856@N06/sets/72157617910618255/ or from youtube videos by just typing in the search panel for "michelle chia or shaun chen".
Fann Wong + Christopher Lee (范文芳 and 李铭顺) big day was celebrated on 29 September 2009 at the Shangri-La Hotel.

(Customary Day Gown)

The sponsorship for Fann's heavily outweights Michelle's. Just the jewelry alone, the sponsorship is worth some 2.5mil, which she was given the opportunity to design some of them. 2.5mil for just the accessories, not including the cars, gowns and maybe even the banquet mind you! What to do, the couple is more blessed for knowing more high-life and profile personalities.
The sponsorship for Fann's heavily outweights Michelle's. Just the jewelry alone, the sponsorship is worth some 2.5mil, which she was given the opportunity to design some of them. 2.5mil for just the accessories, not including the cars, gowns and maybe even the banquet mind you! What to do, the couple is more blessed for knowing more high-life and profile personalities.
Honestly, I don't really fancy a wedding gown that is so wrapped up on Fann Wong. She did not bring up the gown and neither did the gown bring out her characteristics hence it's quite a flop at least to me even though it's designed by Bally.
This one also look so so......probably because it is supposed to look very "Roman". More appropriate for attending some awards event Fann, not on your wedding please! Brides are supposed to look very demure and pure but for an 'overaged' one like you, you need to know what fits you instead of leaving it in the hands of others!
Gosh, I hope Fann Wong and Chris learnt something from their wedding arrangement. All in all, I prefer Michelle Chia's event. Sorry Fann.