choice to place dear son in a full day childcare when he turned 22 months while the maid is ushered back to Indon; and the grandparents were left to while away their time freely?
The Rewards?................Awww, our household is by far coping well, work and time management wise and we have better adjusted to the daycare routine on top of the changes in our lives but the seniors instead of turning better are wasting towards the senile route.......when it was actually meant good; for them to have it easier in their lifestyle by having more "ME" time in their lifes.
At most times even till this day, YES, I strongly felt that the daycare decision made at that time was a good one. Our little child needed to be trained about being independent and plus the introduction of routine in a daycare environment, there's more discipline and order hence more good rather than bad (this, is besides the part about falling sick).
On the other hand, it was sort of a mistake to leave the seniors too FREE to themselves. While they choose not to contribute anymore to the labour force (which over the long run will make them monetarily insecured) , it is more appropriate to keep them agile and alert by leaving them in charge of some 'duties' in order to keep their minds occupied and responsive (this, is besides the part about letting them feel lonely or useless).
Having despite give thought about all these, it seems that these thoughts are worthless as I'm in no position to make any correction or improvement to it. It's not as easy as using a correction tape to put a stop to certain things; that have already developed to this point and at this stage.
The personalities in this domestic drama also needed to pick up and move on with life that is meaningful to them. External and people factors cannot help when the seniors themselves had chosen to close their mental door. In fact, who can to be blamed for all this?
This similarly 100-episode domestic opera is demoralising to continue watching and all that I can comment, is that certain things just needed to BE MANAGED instead of leaving it as it is. By choosing to drop the matter, it's a CHOICE that was made irreversible.
Nevertheless, I'm super glad little boy has grown tremendously over the years and learnt a lot from the daycare peers and teachers. While for the end note - Save for one, I'll never allow myself to pass my life such as the living seniors did - WASTE IT.