Friday, May 04, 2007

The 45th day in 久碧丽园

Today marks the 45th day since Toddler Ang started attending 久 碧 丽 园 daycare.

Both the ANG Master and Mistress saw that significant improvement in him since he returned to daycare routine after recovering from chicken-pox.

1) Accept the fact about going to the daycare everyday compared to the last time while he was placed in Kinderland at Singapore Poly. No longer throws tantrum and whine when Mummy leaves the centre for work, instead willing to be carried by any one of the teacher in charge.

2) Beaming with excitement at the end of the day & not willing to depart the centre when the ANG Mistress picks him up. Playing happily outdoor or could be engaging with an indoor game. He is unwilling to pack up to leave for home but keen to show Mummy and Daddy that he is enjoying himself.

3) Close relationship with his daycare teachers, who are well-trained, enthusiastic about the growth of the children in the daycare. All the teachers love this child as though he was their own. The teachers will always observe him closely and lots of feedback about him will be received everyday. His new achievements are "celebrated" by the teachers and parents all the time.

4) Dance to the Music & Movement whenever a fast number is played, whether from the radio or television, fast dance music interests him. It's probably genetic because the ANG Master himself loves fast music, whenever he is in a good mood. heh heh.....

While there are so many improvements like his speech (he is getting more expressive verbally with more words than before), better pronounciation, motor skills etc, the House of ANG is clearly pleased with their choice of daycare chosen for Toddler ANG.

On this day, the folks in the House of ANG celebrate learning with all other fellow parents and hope they agree with our believe of nurturing our future generations through the celebration of learning.

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