Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our new "L" collected yesterday as we bade farewell to our 4+ year old "M"; and we thanked "it" whole-heartily for serving the family soooooooooo...........well for the past few years. No breakdowns, no incidences (touch-wood) ecetera.
More commonly, many people usually plays no attention to the key equipment or necessity that serves or assist them every day. It's most often taken as a GIVEN that our equipment MUST SERVE US EVERY DAY, RAIN OR SHINE.
Rather, we beg to differ from the common. We would like to dedicate this blog entry in memory of our "M" and mark the beginning of our "L".
Our brand new 1.5L Mitsubishi Lancer (that the ANG Mistress decided to call it "L") is of key importance in the ANG Mistress' daily life. "L" will now assist her in her daily routine starting from chauffeuring Kiet to his school, then to her workplace and/or around Singapore, and then finally at the end of the work day, pick Kiet from his school back home.
Path forward, our "L" holds an important task (just like "M")'s our family transport day-to-day. A great assistance who make sure we are on time and on schedule each day.
That's how important our "L" is; so can one imagine the haywire in the ANG Mistress's daily schedule without "L" now?

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