Monday, December 18, 2006

Thomas the Tank Engine...."Choo Choo"

This season, Todd Ang is totally excited!

Master & Mistress Ang brought him to Robinsons to select his very own 1st Christmas gift and he did.

Toddler Ang did not choose Barney, he didn't choose Toys Story characters, he chose....Thomas! It was a Post Office Loader playset suitable for 3+. (ehhh.....The Master & Mistress both think he is mentally over-mature but bought the playset after all since he chose it himself!!)

The playset consists of Percy & Thomas, both tank engines, tasked to carry mails for the Post Office in the Sodor Island. There's also this little white helicopter.......very cutie looking but Mistress Ang is trying to find out its name.

On a Side Note: The Helicopter is called Harold

So, this anxious Toddler Ang wouldn't wait. He volunteered to "help" in assembling the playset immediately when the Ang folks reached home.

Of course, the Master & Mistress Ang allowed him to have his way this time, but with conditions apply, that is, after he take his shower.

Without hesitation, he followed the adult's instructions and for the rest of the evening, he was rewarded. He spent his time exploring the train set. Touching and meddling, here and there.

It is nice to see that Todd Ang is enjoying his Christmas Present. To keep his interest in trains, Mistress Ang also found this interesting site of Thomas the Tank Engine to entertain him when he gets bored.

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