TGIF.The ANG Mistress was on the way to pick Toddler 洪 from the daycare centre, alone. She was feeling very happy as it was finally the end of the work week and weekend plans will kick-in. However, this feeling remained shortlived. Why? She was shocked when she entered the daycare centre at around 6.20pm (Toddler 洪 attends the Kinderland Child Care Centre located at Singapore Polytechnic Campus), to find Toddler 洪 crying very loudly inside the Music Room while being carried by one of the Chinese teacher.Then she realise the reason for this unusual behavior. His toe on his left leg was injured and resulted with a nail crack!!
A Badly injured toe after clean-up by the ANG Master. "Ouch!!!"
"He kicked onto something", according to the teacher. What really happened and causes the incident? Apparently, no one in the centre knows since the explanation was merely "He kicked onto something" when probed by the ANG Mistress.
It was traumatic for Toddler 洪 as he continued wailing (by now being carried by Mummy) while the teacher tries to inform the ANG Mistress what first-aid medication was given.
On a side note: When the ANG Mistress arrives at the centre parking her car, she saw the centre's principal getting out of her car at the foyer, entering the centre few minutes before the ANG Mistress.
The principle was standing just nearby when the Chinese teacher was explaining to the ANG Mistress. However, the principle DID NOT do anything much (perhaps unaware of the situation since she arrived at the centre just few minutes before the ANG Mistress), merely peeking over with that "Oh, he's injured........" look and walked away, occupied with another conversation.
It was not very long after that the ANG Mistress decides to leave the centre. She quickly phoned the ANG Master and asked that he wait at the drop-off where the ANG Family is staying, as Toddler 洪 was still crying despite being carried and comforted by the ANG Mistress along the way.
The journey home was entirely traumatic to both Toddler 洪 and the ANG Mistress. The toddler was crying all the way back home in the car while the ANG Mistress drove and tried to comfort him at the same time. His favourite "Thomas the Train Engine" VCD was playing at that time but Toddler 洪 must be in too much pain to enjoy the show.
The duo finally arrived at the drop-off where the ANG Master was already waiting. It was then the ANG Mistress finally felt more relieved since the ANG Master was around to help out.
The ANG Family is very angry with the way the daycare centre handled this incident:
1) Why didn't the centre dialed either the handphones of the ANG Master or Mistress to pre-notify the incident, before the parents pick the Toddler from the centre?
This could have somehow mentally prepared the parents and allowed them to decide what to do. Otherwise, why do the daycare acquire the contact numbers for? For communications in case of Emergencies right???!!!???
On a side note: The ANG Mistress is picking Toddler 洪 on her own very often since the ANG Master is a shift-worker. Can anyone imagine what if the ANG Master is on shift and not at home on that Friday?!!??
2) How could a Principal totally ignore or neglect to check out a conversation, which involves a Toddler crying very badly?
I'm wondering if it's a normal scene, to have a Toddler wailing while a Teacher is talking to the parent in the centre. So can someone convince me on how come the Principal can totally ignore this? It would be very normal for just anyone to come near and check out what happened right?
3) Did the teachers communicate the incident to the Principal and pen-down the Injury/First-Aid records?
So, after that Friday and over the weekend, was the incident recorded? Was it communicated to the principal so she may follow up? The ANG Mistress don't think so. There were no phone calls asking for the toddler's well-being, nobody from the centre asked about what happened until the ANG Master pursued the matter with the principal on 24 Jan 07 - Wednesday.
All these really makes the ANG Mistress furious! It only reflects something.
1) The staff at the daycare centre lacked in communication to each other. There's no common communication platform (i.e. like a notice board sort of stuff) for ALL THE STAFF to note down events or things within the centre so they can follow up.
2) There is no procedure for handling of such 'unforeseen emergency', since they cannot contact the parent right-away when an accident (such as an injury in this case) happens.
3) The Principal is not managing the events in her centre and is not well informed. Although they are busy arranging to shift to a new location, the procedures and rules should still prevail. Such injury should be communicated to the Principal at least. They should not even allow such a mistake in the process.
Mind you, they are handling Children(Young Humans) not animals alright!
4) This particular Kinderland centre received many praises (like appreciation letters) from parents of their previous students. (see link: Letters) Isn't it obvious why we parents send our children to daycare? All we ask for, is that the children are well & we may be assured of their well-being while in the centre.
Hence, after such an experience, who would like to give the ANG Mistress confidence, assurance and answers to her questions above?
Does the representatives from the Crestar Education Group like to try?
Oh no! That toe injury looks serious enough for at least a phone call to notify the parents. My girl had that kind of toe injury once when hubby accidentally opened the rather heavy door when she stood right behind it.
Gosh! That was a real bad injury. Hope he is all right now. Have you tried raising this issue with the school?
Hi Idy,
Thanks for dropping by. He is much better now. I hope Iden is also recovering.
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