Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Little Shopping Cart Assistant

Most of our routine in the evening is to drop by the NTUC supermarket after dinner for some fresh produce since the family whip up our simple dinner fare on most weekdays. Last evening, our little boy followed Mummy to the supermarket but without daddy in tow since he was at work.
This trip to the supermart gave us the opportunity to try out the new shopping cart that Mummy brought recently. [As part of the initiative/objective/conscious effort to save our earth and in support of NEA's campaign to reduce the usage of plastic bags, we've purchase a mini-cart to assist us during our evening routine grocer trips!]
The feeling of being able to play a little part in saving the environment is great especially after reading the facts about plastic bags. From the way each of our household uses our "resource", I cannot live to imagine how the living conditions will be like for my future generation, my other future generations, so on and so forth! [Thinking too much? Not really.....]
We can definitely start to do something now to help reduce wastage of plastic bags and conserve resources. Like the objective highlighted in the campaign: Educate shoppers to use reusable bags instead of single-use plastic carrier bags whenever possible.
Friends, reusable bags are now readily available for sale at low cost by most participating retailers. Otherwise, like the House of ANG folks, make a deliberate conscious effort: buy a mini-cart that is foldable, light-weight and affordable at less than SGD8.00!!
People, why waste plastic bags? Help to contribute to our environment and our future generations in a small way. Bring along reusable bags or a mini shopping cart in your next grocer trip now!
[Oh, this is not a sponsored post by the way....hehehehe]

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